Product brands

Last updated on 2023-02-02

Put your product brands forward to showcase your range of offerings and help the user search. By highlighting your product brands, you can attract users with their preferred brands and get better search engine ranking on browsers.

Creating a product brand

  1. Through the side menu, go to Brands.
  2. Click on Add.
  3. Fill in all the requested information (in all the languages of your website)
    1. Title
    2. Slug
    3. View order
      1. This setting will establish a view order in the online store to determine which brands will display first.
    4. Description
    5. Image

      The image is required here since the product card will only display the brand's logo.

  4. Save.

In your product card, you can now select the new brand.

Delete a product brand

  1. Through the side menu, access Brands.
  2. In the product list, hover over the option icon and click on the trash can .
  3. Confirm your choice.