
Last updated on 2023-02-27

Whether you want to create new profiles, modify existing accounts or assign a group of customers to a user, the various functionalities offered by dvore give you the necessary tools to manage your platform users efficiently via the Customers module.

How to access the customers?

  1. Access the administration of your website using your accesses.
  2. Via the side menu, select   Users, then click on   Customers.
  3. This will take you to your summary view of the customers registered on the platform.
  4. From here, you can manage your customers.

Create a new customer

It is important to note that a user can create an account independently via the web platform. Thus, when a user places an order, for example, the customer record will be generated automatically and you will not have to add the customer yourself.

Adding a customer is simply an additional feature to allow you to manage your platform's users autonomously.

To create a customer,

  1. Via the side menu, go to  Customers.
  2. Click on Add.
  3. In the Info tab, fill in the requested information:
    1. Profile picture (optional)
    2. First name
    3. Last Name
    4. Email
      1. The email must be unique and is mandatory for the creation of the account. It is impossible to have two users with the same email.
    5. Phone (optional)
    6. Office phone (optional)
    7. Username (optional)
      1. Can be a different identifier than the email.
  4. In the Shipping address tab, fill in the requested information:
    1. Company
      1. If it is a company account, you can indicate it here.
    2. Full address
  5. In the Billing address tab, fill in the requested information:
    1. Use this shipping address or fill in the address fields.
  6. In the Group tab, enter the user's customer group if applicable.
  7. Save.

When you save the profile, you will be able to add a password in the Login information block.

  1. Add the chosen password in the New password and Confirm new password fields.
  2. Save.

Search for a customer or a group of customers

To search for a customer,

  1. Via the side menu, go to   Customers.
  2. Click on search  .
  3. Enter your search criteria:
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Email
    4. Phone
    5. Date added
  4. Do a Search.

To filter a group of clients,

  1. From the side menu, go to   Customers.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the desired customer group.
  3. The list of customers will be filtered automatically.

Edit a customer record

  1. Via the side menu, go to   Customers and access the customer record you wish to modify.
  2. In the left block, hover over the three dots and click on the edit icon .
  3. Edit the desired information; for example contact details, account addresses and customer group.
  4. Save.

Assign a client group to a user

  1. Via the side menu, go to   Customers and access the record of the client you want to modify.
  2. Via the left block, hover over the three dots and click on the edit icon .
  3. In the Group block, select the desired group.
  4. Save.

Via the module Customer groups, see how to assign several users to a customer group.

Manage credit to a customer's account

  1. From the side menu, go to   Customers and access the customer's file.
  2. Click on the Account credit tab.

From here, you will see additions and deletions of account credit for the user.

To add credit to the account,

  1. Click on the + to add a credit to the account.
  2. Enter the amount of the credit and press Save.

To export the credit transactions to the customer's account,

  1. Click on Export.
  2. View the downloaded Excel document on your device.

Change a user's password

Your user can change their password on their own. The user will click on Forgot password on the login page and will be prompted to reset their password.

The functionality below simply allows manual password management by the platform administrator.

  1. Via the side menu, go to   Customers and access the customer's record.
  2. In the Login information block, add the chosen password in the New password and Confirm new password fields.
  3. Save.

Consult the orders of a customer

  1. Via the side menu, go to   Customers and access the customer's file.
  2. Click on Orders.
  3. You will see a list of all the orders of your user.
  4. Click on an order to see the details.

Delete a customer

Via the list of customers

  1. Via the side menu, go to   Customers.
  2. Hover over the three dots  on the profile you want to delete.
  3. Click on the delete icon .
  4. Confirm the deletion.

Via the customer record

  1. From the side menu, go to   Customers and access the customer's record to be modified.
  2. Via the left block, hover over the three dots  and click on the delete icon .
  3. Confirm the deletion.