
Last updated on 2023-01-25

Once connected to your customer area, you can access your estimates via the side menu . Approve MEDIAVORE estimates directly in your customer area and view the history of all estimates made since the creation of your website.

Approve an estimate in progress

  1. Via the side menu of the customer area, click on  Estimates.
  2. In the Estimates to be approved block are all the estimates that are awaiting your approval.
  3. Click See and approve to view the estimate in question.
  4. You will find all the details of the estimate in the sheet: Features to be developed, amount of the estimate, production time.
  5. Click Approve if you want to go ahead with the estimate. Click Decline if you don’t want to proceed.
  6. Depending on your needs, you can determine a regular, fast or express production schedule. The methods of the estimate change depending on the choice selected.
  7. Add a #PO if you have one and sign the estimate.
  8. Click I accept.

The first invoice of the estimate will be generated automatically and the process will be initiated.