Support tickets


Last updated on 2023-01-05

Support tickets allow you to report a technical problem to the MEDIAVORE team. This method of communication is preferred, since it allows our team to collect important data for the correction of the problem.

When a support ticket is submitted, there is no need to email our service team at any time. the clientele. The ticket will be handled by one of our team members directly. All communications will take place in the open ticket.

Send a support ticket

  1. Log in to the website administration.
  2. If the observed problem is on one of the administration pages, you can go to it and send the ticket directly from that page (the system will capture the page's information).
  3. Click on the flag in the sidebar and click on Send a ticket.
  4. Add a title that clearly summarizes the problem.
  5. In the Add comment section, please detail the problem in detail.
    1. Adding a link, image, or video capture can always help understand the problem.
    2. In addition, please add as many details as possible in the ticket writing.
  6. Add an attachment if needed by clicking on Add attachment.
  7. Click on Send.
  8. The ticket is now open and "Waiting". You can review and verify that all information is correct.
  9. Click onSend the ticket to the MEDIAVORE team once it is done.

When the team responds to your ticket, you will receive an email to your administrator's email address.

Reply to a support ticket

When you receive a response from the MEDIAVORE team by email, you can connect to the platform to answer them.

  1. Click Add Comment when your answer is written. You can add an attachment with your comment.
  2. Click onSend the ticket to the MEDIAVORE team once it is done.

View support tickets

  1. Via the administration of your website, click on the flag in the sidebar and click on All tickets.
  2. Here you will find a list of the tickets for your website with the status of each one.
  3. Click on a ticket to access it.