Legal policies

Last updated on 2023-01-31

The Legal policies module allows you to enable legal text on your website, as well as manage your content while maintaining a uniform template throughout your policies. Highlight, among others, your Terms and conditions, Privacy policy and Refund policy, among others, to inform your customers and demonstrate transparency.

dvore provides you with 4 legal policy templates.

Access legal policies

  1. Log in to your website's administrative platform.
  2. Through the side menu, access Settings, then Conditions and politics.
  3. From here, you can manage the legal policies available to you:
    1. Terms and conditions
    2. Confidentiality agreement
    3. Refund policy
    4. RGPD policy

Activate a policy page

  1. From the side menu, go to Settings, then to Conditions and politics.
  2. Activate the tab to display the page in your website's footer.

The page will automatically be displayed in the footer of your website.

Modifying the content of a policy page

  1. From the sidebar menu, go to Settings, then to Conditions and politics.
  2. Access the page to modify.
  3. Edit the content in all languages of your website.
  4. Save.
  5. Click on Preview to validate the page that will be displayed on your website.