
Last updated on 2023-01-31

Manage your platform administrators and give access to your team members according to specific permissions.

Create a new administrator

  1. Log in to the administrative platform of your website.

    Make sure you have the required permissions to do this operation first.

  2. From the sidebar menu, go to Settings, then to Administrators.
  3. Click on Add an administrator.
  4. Fill out the required information:
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Email
    4. Password
    5. Password confirmation
    6. Role
      1. Manage administrator roles and assign these roles to your administrators to grant access to administrative modules.
    7. Level
      1. Administrator: Will have access to modules based on the role given, but will not have access to your account billing.
      2. Administrator - Billing: Will have access to modules based on the role given and will have access to your account billing.
      3. Super admin - Billing: Has access to all modules and all settings, as well as to your account billing.

    Custom levels might be available to you based on your website. The levels mentioned above are standard in the dvore platform.

  5. Click on Save.

Administrator access should only be used by one user at a time.

Modifying an existing administrator.

  1. Log in to your website's administrative platform.

    Make sure you have the necessary permissions to do this manipulation first.

  2. Through the sidebar menu, access Settings, then Administrators.
  3. For the administrator to be modified, hover over the option icon and click the pencil .
  4. On the form, apply the desired changes and click Save.

The modifications are now applied to your administrator.

Remove an administrator

  1. Log in to the administrative platform of your website.

    Make sure you have the required permissions to do this manipulation first.

  2. Through the side menu, go to Settings, then to Administrators.

  3. You can remove an administrator in 2 ways:
    1. Through the administrator to be removed, hover over the options icon and click on the trash . Confirm your decision.
    2. Through the administrator's record, you can click the Save button arrow for more options. Click Delete . Confirm your decision.

The administrator is now deleted and access to this session is non-functional.